Thursday, May 6, 2010


"You don't need to get all bent out of shape i was simply only fifteen minutes late" while i roll my eyes. "We set a curfew, you be home at that time or before you really drive me up the wall" they sit glaring. "For Pete's sake fifteen minutes isn't that big of a deal". "I've had it up to here" as they lovingly show me there hands over they're heads. You see, my parents like to stress out about every little thing. The tiniest thing i do wrong there will always be hell to pay. Always getting they're panties in a knot. Its really quite stressful for me always fighting like cats and dogs. But, there is give and take in a healthy relationship, even though we might not see eye to eye alot of the time, I do love them and they still love me.

1 comment:

  1. Two of three assignments complete. Good job on the two that are finished.
